London School of Commerce Malta (LSC) • Research & Innovation
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LSC Malta Research and Innovation

Under the LSC Scholarship and Research Policy framework, LSC and LSCM aspire to continuously develop its education portfolio and academic enhancement through active research and engagement with its key stakeholders including staff, students, employers, government agencies, HE partners and other professional organisations within the context of both its own strategic goals and those of the Maltese Higher Education sector. The teaching philosophy and pedagogic vision therefore seeks to provide academic experience with a strong emphasis on the development of the knowledge, skills and capabilities appropriate to the rapidly changing global, cultural, human, technological business and organisational environment.

Currently the there are six main research clusters within LSC Research and Innovation Clusters (RIC), which all LSCM academic staff are associate members.

The LSCM is committed to encouraging and supporting academics, researchers and professionals who are engaging in research in the strategic management of technology & innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing and competitiveness, leadership, organisational learning and knowledge management, international & cross-cultural management, global higher education management, government services, public sector management and emerging economies, which are core subject areas underpinning the LSCM home-grown business management programs including MBA. LSCM also participates in the LSC Annual Conference organised by LSC RIC at London.

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